

2010年8月27日 星期五


write about a person who fits the following tittle "MY MOST UNFORGETTABLE CHARACTER"

 My most unforgettable character in life is MIMI.she is a person that i admire.l have known her about five years ago~How do i know her? She is introduce by my friend.

 MIMI is same age with me.Both of us are 17years old.she came from a happy family .She has a caring father and lovely mother.Besides that,she also has two brother.She is the eldest in her family~We are studing in same school and  also same class.MIMI has an average results~

 MIMI has a thin body and quite tall.She has a pair of small eye.MIMI has a "mushroom"hair.We usually chat together in school and in phone.We will message each other when free.She is cute when she is laughing and even just a smile.MIMi likes PURPLE colour.

 MIMI loves music much ,she got talent in music.Besides that,she has a great voice.By the way,she is learning singing now.She is friendly and helpful.Sometimes,she not agree to help but at last she will help also.MIMI is weak in controlling her emotion,she likes to cry...XD

 She is unforgettable for me is because she is a prefect girl that i never meet before.She makes me study hard in some subject .She is caution in cleanliness,this influence me caution cleanliness too.MIMI makes me happy when i look at her smiling face.

 We are still friend now,MIMI is important for me.Without her,my life will not interesting anymore.I hope 1 day can.....


2010年8月1日 星期日


    不是~不對~猜錯~說錯~答錯...通通錯錯錯!!!!!! (哈哈)
其實都是錯的...   錯不是因為喜歡錯人,而是錯在不懂得如何溝通+不懂得如何去愛~
 事實上我口才很不錯但面對喜歡的人,我就完了...根本不知道該說些甚麼~所謂天才也有失敗的一天,富翁也有窮的一面,"chun  yuan"也有不睡的早上,更何況我不會講話..哈哈 
    看了這麼一堆的廢話,是否知道我面臨的是甚麼問題嗎>? 答對,猜對,講對,是,就是,沒有錯!!!!
或許就是因為當初我不會說話,所以她被悶暈了XD (不過這只是我單方面的猜測)阿哈

現在的心情就跟當初一樣,就超想跟她在回一起... 不過還是我先想想好了~或許你們會想問,為何只是想想阿? 哪是因為我心理說過,如果目前無法解決此問題就算再回一起了是不是會同樣結果呢?
明天會否發生的事你我今天都不會知道~  期待明天會更好... 好點拉!!!wooi.........我要跟她一起的叻...等我吧!!!